It Came from Planet Blog
Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Excellent article on "Fox News Democrats" has an excellent piece detailing just how the Fox Ministry of Propaganda and Enlightenment-er, excuse me, Fox News Channel-purposely selects "Democratic" pundits who won't detract from the network's mission of delivering a steady stream of right-wing misinformation. (Yes, the article is over a year old, but it's still worth a look, so check it out!)

Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy birthday, America!

Once again, the Declaration of Independence, courtesy of (I'm just providing a link this year because (a) the whole thing is already posted below, and (b) besides, I just don't feel like writing it all out again.

Maybe next year. Hopefully, we'll really have reasons to celebrate our freedoms then. ;-)

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

And now, my two cents...

...about this whole Wesley Clark thing.

For those of you who aren't quite up to speed, the former four-star general and 2004 Presidential candidate was on CBS' Face the Nation when he answered a question from Bob Schieffer about Barack Obama's qualifications for the White House (see below.) The good general's answer has opened him up to attacks not only from Sen. John McCain, but also many various and sundry media figures-who have accused Clark of somehow denigrating McCain's military record, including his much-discussed three and a half years as a POW in Vietnam. (Keep in mind that most of these people lack the fitness to lick Clark's boots, let alone McCain's, when it comes to service in our nation's uniform.)

Here, courtesy of Media Matters for America, is the relevant exchange between Schieffer and Clark:

SCHIEFFER: I have to say, Barack Obama has not had any of those experiences either, nor has he ridden in a fighter plane and gotten shot down. I mean --

CLARK: Well, I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president.

Got that? Not only was Clark not dissing McCain's service, he was making the point that his own man's lack of same was not necessarily a disqualification for the nation's highest office. Seems like an open-and-shut case to me.

But then again, I'm not a right-winger.

P.S. Sorry about the 364 days between posts. I'll try to do better from now on.

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